
Founded on 7th July, 2019 by Arc. Bilal Abdullahi, a graduate of Bayero University Kano. BUKdaily aims to provide Nigerian students with a comprehensive resources encompassing daily news, campus updates and academic updates from Nigeria universities.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Exam Cheating and Forgery: A Reflection of Societal Values, Not Spiritual Issues

  Bilal Abdullahi       Thursday, July 13, 2023

In a recent interview with Dr. Charles Umeh, a Consultant Clinical Psychologist at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), important insights were shared regarding the prevalence of cheating and forgery among students and professionals in Nigeria. Dr. Umeh emphasized that these behaviors are primarily psychological in nature, deeply rooted in societal values rather than being driven by spiritual factors.

According to Dr. Umeh, the rise in forgery and cheating can be attributed to a significant shift in societal values. In today's society, success is often celebrated without questioning the means employed to achieve it.

The widespread idolization of individuals who have seemingly made it without visible effort has led many young people to believe that cheating is a viable path to excellence. 

The erosion of integrity and the glorification of shortcuts are contributing to a growing acceptance of dishonesty among students.

The case of Mmesoma Ejikeme, a student who resorted to forgery despite performing well in her original exam, serves as an example of the influence societal values can have on individual actions.

Driven by the desire for recognition and influenced by a society that often rewards achievements regardless of their authenticity, Mmesoma felt compelled to cheat.

This highlights the need for a holistic approach to address the root causes of cheating, rather than focusing solely on individual cases.

Dr. Umeh stressed that behavioral change starts within the family unit, as it is here that values and morals are instilled in children. Parents must take an active role in shaping their children's characters, teaching them the importance of hard work, honesty, and the consequences of deceit.

Additionally, the media and entertainment industry have a responsibility to promote positive values and celebrate individuals who embody them, providing society with role models worth emulating.

In the realm of employment, forgery remains a significant issue. Dr. Umeh proposed that age limitations be removed as a factor in hiring decisions, focusing instead on individuals' abilities and qualifications.

By creating job opportunities and eliminating age barriers, the motivation to falsify information would diminish.

Moreover, he highlighted the importance of interconnectivity and information sharing to identify fraudulent credentials and deter individuals from entering the system.

Reflecting on the case of Mmesoma Ejikeme, Dr. Umeh emphasized the need for both sanctions and psychotherapeutic intervention. While sanctions serve as a deterrent, it is equally crucial to address the underlying psychological factors that led to the act of forgery.

Mmesoma may have been traumatized by the consequences of her actions, which could have a lasting impact on her self-esteem and relationships.

Psychotherapy, such as trauma intervention, self-awareness, and mindfulness training, can help her understand the consequences of her actions, rebuild her self-esteem, and facilitate behavioral change.

In conclusion, the prevalence of cheating and forgery among students and professionals in Nigeria reflects a broader societal issue. To combat this problem effectively, it is imperative to reassess and promote positive values within families, the media, and the government.

By addressing the root causes and providing the necessary support and guidance, it is possible to foster a culture of integrity, honesty, and hard work in the Nigerian society. Share this story on Facebook! 


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